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Product Details Options Quantity
JLP-STD1-210SP: Sterling Silver Sun Pendant.
A beautiful Sterling Silver Pendant 35mm dia large with the Sun - Symbol of Energy. Electromagnetic radiation protection is included inside the pendant. Especially designed for your personal protection.
Normal price is US$120.00.
Special Discount, including delivery.
US$ 77.00
Personal Protection Pendant
JLP-STD1-210GP - 9: Gold Sun Pendant 9 k
A beautiful 9 karat Gold Pendant 35mm dia large with the Sun - Symbol of Energy. Electromagnetic radiation protection is included inside the pendant. Especially designed for your personal protection.
Normal price is US$230.00.
Special Discount, including delivery.
US$ 187.00
Personal Protection Pendant
JLP-STD1-210GP - 14: Gold Sun Pendant 14 k
A beautiful 14 karat Gold Pendant 35mm dia large with the Sun - Symbol of Energy. Electromagnetic radiation protection is included inside the pendant. Especially designed for your personal protection.
Normal price is US$350.00.
Special Discount, including delivery.
US$ 297.00
personal Protection Pendanr
pendant delivery = 2-3 weeks
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